SDCTA remains neutral on Proposition A - East Otay Mesa Recycling Collection Center and Landfill Ordinance, 2010

Proposition A titled "East Otay Mesa Recycling Collection Center and Landfill Ordinance" is a countywide proposition that proposes to develop an unincorporated 450 acre site in eastern Otay Mesa into a privately owned and operated recycling collection center and solid waste disposal site. The proposal would amend the County General Plan, County Zoning Ordinance, and San Diego County Integrated Waste Management Plan to change the designation of the 450 acre site to a Solid Waste Facility. However, only 340 acres would actually be used to develop the facility, while the remaining 110 acres would remain undeveloped. The project would be required to comply with all local, state, and federal regulations regarding development practices and environmental mitigation. Specifically, the main facilities would include a recycling collection center, lined landfill, scale area, facilities and operation area, borrow and stockpile area, leachate collection system, chipping and grinding area, and storm-water retention facilities. The facilities and operation area would in consist of a visitor center, office building, maintenance office, shop and yard, fueling station, storage area, water tank truck wash and wash-water treatment area, landfill gas collection and recovery system, and leachate collection tank.

Download the report here.