SDCTA neutral on Prop L - Julian Union High School District Bond Measure, 2010

Julian Union High School District is pursuing a $2.1 million Prop 39 facilities bond to replace a building on its campus that has been deemed "uninhabitable". The District has failed to meet key components of SDCTA's Bond Support Criteria; most of which can be attributed to the small size (and limited funds) of the District. The District has demonstrated a clear need for an additional funding source that would provide an opportunity to replace the high school science building. However, the District is relying too heavily on the State matching grant to complete this replacement. If, for whatever reason, the District were unable to receive the grant, there would not be enough local funds available (even with this bond's voter approval) to replace the condemned building. SDCTA is interested in working with the District to resolve this issue if Prop L fails to pass or they are unable to receive State funds in a timely manner.

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