Taxpayers Association Calls for SANDAG Board Members to Consult With Municipal Colleagues

SANDAG Board Members Speak for Their Cities – Who Determines What They Are Saying?

San Diego (December 10, 2021) – San Diego County Taxpayers Association President & CEO Haney Hong addressed the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) Board of Directors on Friday ahead of their adoption of the controversial 2021 Regional Plan, which comes with a $160 billion price tag.

While the Association recognizes the importance of SANDAG and understands that addressing challenges as one region is largely more efficient than each agency working alone, he expressed concern over potential inequities and underrepresentation at member agencies. Hong requested information about how board members collected input from their respective agencies prior to voting on their behalf for a policy that will have major taxpayer implications.
“Whether you vote aye or nay, there needs to be a formal, transparent process before coming to the SANDAG board room by which each of you, as representatives of your agencies, collect input from your fellow municipal elected leaders and the constituents you collectively represent,“ said Hong during his testimony in the meeting. “Without debates at your member agency, there is no assurance that you are not simply voting for your own personal priorities.”