Watchdog Group Demands Strong Leadership and Good Governance for Endorsement Consideration

Taxpayers Association Sets Stage for Review of 2022 Tax & Fee Proposals and People’s Ordinance

San Diego, CA (February 2, 2022) – In anticipation of numerous special tax proposals and citizen’s initiatives in San Diego County, the San Diego County Taxpayers Association announced its standards of review for proposals that taxpayers will see on their 2022 ballot. Additionally, the Association is reconsidering its current position on the People’s Ordinance by launching an updated analysis of the 1919 measure.

The Association has a long history of opposing unnecessary taxes or fees and supporting those where there is a demonstrated need, evidence of managerial acumen, and good governing procedures. For 2022, the Association has set a high bar for municipal governments or citizens’ groups looking to raise taxes and wants agencies to directly address the structural inequities that exacerbate the problems faced by underserved communities.

The Association believes that municipal agencies should live within their means and demonstrate an effort to do so. Specifically, the Association highlights that it will oppose any special tax for public goods generally financed out of general funds unless a municipal government does one of three things:

  1. It respects the voters by committing to placing on the ballot a tax to pay for growing pension costs. The Association believes that the structural inequities caused by burgeoning public pension obligations should be addressed head on, and the people should be given a choice if they want to pay for that at the same time a special tax is levied.

  2. It works with the Local Agency Formation Commission to adjust boundaries so that the tax base is aligned to the true costs of service.

  3. It works with its labor groups to reduce salaries and pension benefits by the same amount of revenue it expects to receive through the proposed special tax.